Palanga holds a solemn and traditional Honor Awards evening, artist Vytautas Kusas named Palanga's Honorary Citizen

"Palangos tilto" informacija, 2024-12-30
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Palanga Mayor Sarunas Vaitkus (on the left) with artist Vytautas Kusas, Palanga's new Honorary Citizen (Photo by Aldas Kazlauskas)
Palanga Mayor Sarunas Vaitkus (on the left) with artist Vytautas Kusas, Palanga's new Honorary Citizen (Photo by Aldas Kazlauskas)

On December 7, the Palanga community gathered for a solemn and traditional Honor Awards evening. This special event, held in the cozy and historic Kurhaus Hall, brought together Palanga residents to celebrate individuals whose work and dedication have significantly contributed to the resort town's prosperity and strengthened its community ties.

Vytautas Kusas: Palanga’s Honorary Citizen

During the ceremony, artist Vytautas Kusas was officially named Palanga's Honorary Citizen. This prestigious title was awarded in recognition of his exceptional contributions to Palanga’s cultural scene, active community involvement, and efforts to promote Palanga’s name both in Lithuania and abroad.

Vytautas Kusas, a creative and energetic artist known for his original ideas, has significantly enriched Palanga’s cultural life, leaving an indelible mark on the city. His multifaceted creativity has resonated far beyond Lithuania, earning admiration from art enthusiasts worldwide.

Honorary Signs Bestowed

The evening also included the presentation of Honorary Signs to individuals who have significantly impacted various fields, enriching the Palanga community through their activities.

The Honorary Sign is awarded for achievements in culture, education, sports, science, economy, social development, public life, and for efforts to promote Palanga’s name nationally and internationally.

This year, the recipients included Zita Baniulaitytė, leader of the Palanga Cultural Center's folklore ensemble Mėguva, and Vygantas Rekašius, director of the non-profit organization Palangos Orkestras.

Palanga City Awards

The Palanga City Awards were given to residents who made exceptional contributions through innovative ideas, outstanding achievements, or long-term dedication in various fields.

Zita Baniulaitytė was honored for her innovative cultural initiatives, long-standing community contributions, and educational efforts.

Educators Jūratė Galinauskienė, Nerijus Vaišvilas, and Birutė Gikarienė received awards for outstanding achievements in national and international educational competitions and their dedication to their students.

Jonas Algirdas Lukauskis, a technician with UAB Palangos vandenys, was recognized for his contributions to the public sector and water management.

Highlights of the Ceremony

The evening featured extraordinary musical performances, including an emotional repertoire by opera soloist Ieva Prudnikovaitė and the ensemble 4TANGO, and a vibrant show by the male vocal ensemble Quorum. Jurgita Jurkutė-Širvaitė, the charming host of the event, added elegance and warmth to the evening.

The Palanga Honor Awards evening is more than a celebration; it is a cherished tradition that emphasizes the importance of unity, gratitude, and mutual inspiration within the community.


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On December 7, the Palanga community gathered for a solemn and traditional Honor Awards evening. This special event, held in the cozy and historic Kurhaus Hall, brought together Palanga residents to celebrate individuals whose work and dedication have significantly contributed to the resort town's prosperity and strengthened its community ties.

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